The Leading Resource for Doberman Genetic Health!

Providing the highest standards in testing and customer service.

DoberGen facilities, located in Newcrest

Why Test?

"It is important to know the status of each test on both the sire (dad) and the dam (mum) before they are bred. Dogs with clinical signs or symptoms of any of the diseases, or other health conditions, should not be bred. 


Often times the symptoms or signs of disease/genetic condition do not appear until later in life. And if litters have been bred already, it can't be taken back. Some genes are carried or "hidden," meaning the dog does not have signs of it, but if bred with another dog carrying the gene, the offspring can inherit it. This is why it is important to test even seemingly "healthy" dogs so that you know what is there on a deeper level and what may be passed down."


- Leila Lindström

DoberGen head Geneticist


What We Offer


Highest Industry Standards and Accuracy.


Equipped with the latest technology, our staff consists of expertly trained geneticists, veterinarians, and technicians well educated in all things Doberman. Each mutation is tested twice, with two independent methods then reviewed by highly trained and knowledgeable geneticists and veterinarians before results are sent.



We strive to make the process of testing your dog as painless and stress-free as possible.


  • Pick and choose panels or individual tests for your dog.
  • Tests that cover a wide range of Doberman specific health concerns.
  • Discount on full panels and on litter panels.
  • Database of all tested dogs in accordance with the Doberman Pinscher Breed Club.
  • Easily shareable results that can be added to your dogs profile.
  • Now offering Coat Colour and Trait tests!